Sunday, June 28, 2015


Juliet bought Lisa and I tickets and one for herself to the Chesney Revival Tour concert at Century Link tonight. It was soooo much fun. It was so crazy hot today so super glad that Juliet drove her truck with A/C. We had a nice little walk to the stadium and enjoyed a game of corn hole sponsered by 94.1 KMPS where we all won 7-up EarBuds:) There were four acts that we saw but I didn't know one of them-Brentley Gilbert. I liked all the others though with Chesney my favorite obviously. We had plenty of entertainment in front of us unfortunately but we still enjoyed the concert despite. Here are a few pictures of tonight but I may have to add more once I get some others from the girls. Thanks again Juliet for the tickets and for the fun time!!
Cole Swindell (he was real good)
A friend from my ward, Sarah, was there with her husband Adam. I posted on facebook that I was there and they commented saying they were there too and only a few sections away:)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Baseball banquet

Elijahs team, All Stars, were 1st in the district and earned a medal along with their trophy for finishing the season. We had a nice time playing dodgeball and eating pizza before the awards. Super proud of Elijah for doing so great this season!

Movie Night

We all went and saw the new movie, "Jurassic World", at the theater. While we were waiting in the hall after the movie we saw this cutout-so all the boys had to have fun taking turns with the cutout. Dallas was too cool to get his picture though...

49er Fans Only

I painted the boys room last week. They said it's only a 49ers room now:)

New Look

Some families from the ward came and mowed down the grass in the backyard. It looks really good. From the back of the property you can hardly tell it's not nice grass.

Wild Waves

For the end of the school year celebration Lisa, Juliet and I took all the kids to Wild Waves in Federal Way. We scored some awesome tickets online so decided this would be super fun especially since they have a water park and theme park. It was really fun and the lines for the rides weren't bad at all. We packed our own lunches so we saved some cash that way. Maybe again next year???

Field Day/Last Day of School

I was able to help with the boys field day at school a couple weeks ago (yeah, I realize they have been out almost 2 weeks LOL) I was able to rotate between the three boys classes and help with the various activities that were going on. The theme was Around the World so the different activities were loosely geared towards different countries. It was actually quite chilly in the morning-we were all wearing jackets-but around noon the sun came out and I actually got a nice sunburn. The best part was towards the end when the principle and a couple others were dunk tanked and also got pies in the face.
The last day of school the boys all had auctions where they could use tickets they earned by their behavior throughout the year. Elijah was real proud to show me the Amelia Earhart poster he won.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Seminary Graduation

The boys and I were able to attend Mercedes seminary graduation on Sunday. I was glad that we were able to make it as we have other commitments during her other two graduations. I am sure proud of her and her effort to get up for early morning seminary. When I was in high school, way back when:), that is what we had to do as well. It's a big challenge sometimes to get up early and do what is needed to fulfill those requirements. I wish I was lucky enough to have been able to attend during school hours but that was never the case. Super proud of you Cedes! Your aunt Rinda loves you!!!
(Love this one of Dallas photo bombing us in the background)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

All Star Champions!

Elijah finished his baseball season with a bang. The team only lost 1 game this season but were the district champions! Elijah played real hard this season-thanks to everyone who made an effort to come and watch him play! Elijah said his favorite position to play was 3rd base.