It's been a busy couple of weeks so thought I would catch up before life begins again Monday. We had a fun day of snow that lasted half of the day:) The boys had fun with it while it lasted and was a good excuse to run outside and make a snowman. I also got a job, working from home, through Amazon. I am a customer service associate and take incoming calls from customers mainly doing four things: updating account information, changing orders before they ship, managing prime accounts, and dealing with refunds/returns. I had one week of training so far and will have 2 more before I am totally on my own. It is a blessing being able to be home though and hopefully it will be good enough to help financially while Mike is in school.
Lastly we had a great Thanksgiving at my in laws. My parents and brother were going to make the trip to our home this year but unfortunately my stepgrandma passed away and so they were needed elsewhere. We did have fun decorating our home inside and out for Christmas though. Mike and Dallas weere on the roof hanging lights while the other boys and myself were busy hauling totes and decorating the inside. Happy Holidays!