Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Our Weekend
The boys were out for Mid Winter break over the weekend. They had Friday - Tuesday off. We had our family birthday party for Cody on Sunday. He got some really fun presents that he was sure excited about. On Monday all the boys had dentist appointments-Brandon even went for the first time (it was the first time we could get him in the chair) During the appointment all of a sudden Brandon came into the main office where Mike and I were waiting crying. We said Brandon what are you doing? and he said the lady lied to me. So the actual story was, the dental assistant had gone to do something with his xrays and he thought she left him and didn't give him his goodie bag with a toothbrush and toothpaste. I started walking him back and she came out frantically looking for him. He went back with her fine though and made it through the rest of his appointment with no problems. 3 out of the 4 do have cavities though so we will be making a couple more visits back. Elijah also lost his second front tooth that same afternoon so he had to show it off. 

Friday, February 15, 2013
Funny Pictures
100 days
Party Time;)
Tonight we had a few of Cody's friends over for a birthday party. The boys had lots of fun playing football when they first arrived.
After everyone arrived we played some games. We had a bubble gum blowing contest-Cody won!
Then we had a fun drawing contest where the kids drew pictures of an item on top of their heads without looking. We ate some dinner, opened presents, had cupcakes and played musical chairs to finish off the evening. I think everyone had a fun time. I know I'm beat. Mike headed off to the Great American Casino for a gig this evening. He's playing there tomorrow night as well.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Birthday Cody!
Today is Valentines Day, which in our family, means it's Cody's birthday. We love our Cody Hampton.
Cody was able to take some treats yesterday to his class at school to celebrate before their school valentine party. We will have a family birthday this weekend but he is excited to have a few friends over from school tomorrow for a little party. Here are a few fun facts about Cody: Today he is 9! He was born at 4:30 pm in American Fork, Utah weighing in at 10 lbs. 2 oz. *Our biggest baby to date*
Cody loves football and soccer and wants to be a professional football player when he grows up
Cody loves to clean
Cody is our most accident prone child
Cody loves to cook, he is very good at making sandwiches:)
Cody enjoys scouts
Is learning the guitar and loves it
Loves playing with babies-especially his cousin Kylee
Enjoys visiting his grandparents
Likes to play xbox kinect
Loves to be loud and run around with his brothers

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Blue and Gold Banquet
We had Cody's blue and gold banquet tonight at the church. He earned his wolf and two silver arrows. The theme was angry birds and they had the gym really decorated up cute with dozens of "angry birds" balloons hanging off the ceiling. The boys had lots of fun and we enjoyed a nice dinner and dessert. Mike had to come home a little bit early so that he could do some studying. He's had midterms all week and has a huge one on Thursday.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Crushing Defeat
We were so excited to see our 49er's go to the SuperBowl this year. Yesterday in preparation the boys decided they wanted to shave their heads with San Francisco emblems in the side of them. Even Brandon wanted in on the action. We love our niners. We were sad that they were so close to winning but unfortunatley they turned things around a little two late. They lost to the Ravens 34-31:(
Mike when he was young;)
Elijah also lost one of his front teeth today so if you look closely at his fierce football face picture you will notice the missing tooth.
I am also posting a picture (mostly just for my records) of Dallas' first 11 year old scout campout experience. He basically froze all night, and said he was never going again unless it was warmer outside;) LOL.
Valentines day and Cody's birthday are coming up in a couple of weeks along with Blue and Gold Banquets, gigs, school band concerts, etc. so I will hopefully be posting more.
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