Monday, April 18, 2016

It's Great to be 8!

 Brandon made the decision to be baptized and we were finally able to arrange it with the stake and and get it done. It was the last Saturday of spring break and we had lots of family and some new friends there. Richie did the baptism and grandpa Stone did the confirmation.    Brandon was excited that is family could participate in the ordinances.   We went back to the house after the baptism and
had a family home evening taught by Lisa, and then we had a barbecue and pool party followed up by a Mariners baseball game. Uncle Derek, aunt Lisa, uncle Rex, Chanelle, Mercedes and her fiancé Rex,  my friend Courtney, and his five children were also able to come with us for all the festivities this weekend. It was a busy weekend but lots of fun!

Silly cousins:)
We went back to the Best Western after the game,where Courtney and his kids were staying, and went swimming and ordered pizza. I surprised the kids and got a room for us there also on the second night of the Rawson visit. Overall fun weekend!

Award Time

I got a call from Mrs. Colt, Brandon's teacher, letting me know that he was going to be getting an award at the upcoming school assembly.  She said it was a surprise so I didn't let him know I was going. It was super cute seeing his face since he didn't know that he was getting anything.  The category that he received the award in was Responsibility.  Only 2 second graders were chosen for this award and Brandon received one of them. Super proud mama right there:)