Love the beauty of the Northwest and the drive home after dropping the kids off at school. I never get tired of seeing the Elk whether they are in the backyard at the Stones or the Thomas' yard.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
I saw this about Uncle Rico and crack up every time. I know it's my dorkiness shining through but who cares....
Also got a new dress from Ross for $5 and wore it to church Sunday. Unfortunately you can't see it very well as it's an all black dress and sweater.
Brandon got invited to a birthday party for a girl in his class. At the beginning of the year, the little girls father had told me how his daughter, Yasmin, had a crush on Brandon and how she wanted to have a playdate with him. They moved and never got the chance but he did get a birthday invitation for her party at a laser tag place in Federal Way. Brandon was super excited and once we got there, we were all invited to stay and play tag and have pizza. We all had fun!
Just wanted to get this in here so I didn't forget. I had to review this for my Psychology class and kept it because it was so funny. This person has a condition that makes it so he acts out what is happening in his REM sleep.'s pretty funny hearing him describing a couple of his experiences that led him to finally going to the doctor and getting diagnosed with this condition.
We were so excited when basketball started again for Richie. We really enjoy watching him play. This year Richie is starting and gets to through a little Orting Cardinals towel out into the crowd before the games, well since the boys knew he did this they went to the opposite side in hopes that he would throw it to him. Well he did and Elijah caught it. You can see Brandon in the crowd (look hard).
Lots of ice at grandma and grandpas that the boys like to play on after school.
Elijah's doctor, Dr. Vora, retired the end of May so we needed to start seeing his regular doctor for his Tourettes again. We know our plan and basically will continue with the medication like we are currently doing with a chance of weaning him off at the end of the school year like we did last year. *UPDATE: We tried weaning him off and he immediately started with the vocal noises and head twitches. Started him back on his meds-he is still taking Clonadine, and will continue to do so for some time as we know it helps with his condition. Dr. Vora let us know that his Tourettes will get worse during puberty but I'm hoping it won't get to much worse for him as I know it does make him self conscience.