Elijah started band this year and chose to play the trumpet. Keeping brass in the family:) We were able to go to his first concert tonight and see him play. Elijah practices very hard and was super excited for this night. Uncle Derek and Grandpa and Grandma Stone were able to come support him too. ↙↙↙↙↙↙↙✅✅
Brandon, Elijah and I went to the Cruise In at Sunrise Village Saturday night. Our friends, Ron and Dot Berg, were there and we told them we would stop by the next time Ron had a car there. Much to the boys excitement Ron had brought the Dodge Viper. The boys love that car to say the least. After treating us to dinner we hung around and chatted until the show was over. After pretty much everyone had loaded up and left Ron took turns taking me and the boys on a ride. That was something! It was so much fun when he let it out on Meridian and really showed us what it could do. Elijah was saying how it was the best day of his life! I'm glad we were able to catch up with our friends.
Took Brandon and went to the free concert in the park last night at the Pioneer Park pavilion and saw The Coats. I saw them over 20 years ago back in Baker City, Oregon when I was in high school. They were formally The Trench Coats but changed their names after the shootings that occurred with a young man wearing a trench coat. Anyways.... we saw them last night and it was super fun. They are very interactive with the audience and came right down to where we were at. They actually grew up in Puyallup and graduated from local high schools. I went and got my picture with Jaime and he was super nice. He even said I looked familiar and I told him how I'd seen him over 20 years ago. He wanted me to see our picture before I left and said to tag him on it. They will be playing other shows in the area in the next couple weeks but will also be playing at the Puyallup fair in Sept.