Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Mike had a gig tonight at the Fox Sports Grill in Seattle so I thought it would be fun to have a little party with my little men here. I bought some mini Martinelli's for everyone and some yummy snacks and we had a great time throwing 2009 under the table:) Juliet rode with Mike up to Seattle so I watched Kingston for a while until Aaron was able to come and pick him up. Aaron was a sport though and hung out with us for a couple hours to party hard:) We ate some food, had an awesome game of duck duck goose, freeze tag and of course spin the bottle-which was mostly truth or dare. One of the dares even gave my son his first opportunity at a prank call which works great with caller id *thanks aunt Lisa for being such a good sport:)* My sweet husband was able to even call me at midnight to wish me a happy new year. Maybe next year I will be with him:) Happy New Year everyone. I hope this year is filled with many happy memories and lots of fun opportunities.


Lisa said...

Happy New Year!
That is cool that Mike called you at midnight and wished you a Happy New Year.
Yes, quite unexpected to get a "Courtesy call from Puget Sound..." from Best Self Storage...and late on New Year's Eve. =)
Looking forward to the delicious food today...if we are able to make it.
Richie had a really rough night (respiratory).

Anonymous said...

Glad that you had a fun evening with games and snacks!! Reminded me of the good ol' days when we would do that as a family. Glad to see it carried on! Happy New Year to each and everyone of you and we pray that 2010 will be an awesome year for all of us!!

JULIET said...

Oh i just love the picture of Kingston tipping back the bottle of martinelli's! Looks like some fun was had at your house! Happy new year! This year is going to be awesome!!!

April said...

HILARIOUS pictures, D! It looked like you guys had a rockin' good time! WAY more energetic than things were at our house! LOL