Thursday, February 11, 2010

Busy, Busy

Today was a pretty busy day for us. We are trying to finish up Cody's birthday "stuff" and amongst this stuff is trying to make a pinata. I've never made a pinata before but my sweet husband has, so he graciously volunteered to make one for him since I refuse to pay 15 dollars for paper that was going to be destroyed in a matter of minutes. ( I think next time though, even though this has been a learning experience, I may buy one:) lol )

Dallas and Cody also had their Valentine parties at school today along with a short play put on by Dallas' class this afternoon. Dallas was in a small group that read some neat things about Abraham Lincoln. He had about 5 lines and spoke up nice and loud-we were sure proud of him. We love our kids so much and enjoy all the fun things like this we get to do with them. Stay tuned for more pictures of our pinata project to see how it all turns out:)

1 comment:

JULIET said...

Awesome job Dallas! That is so cool. I can't wait to see the pinata result!