Monday, November 1, 2010

What a Night-

I spent all night getting up about every 30 minutes tending to sick boys last night. Cody started throwing up around midnight last night (at first we thought it was because he had eaten to many donuts or something) but when Brandon started about an hour later we figured it must be some kind of weird bug. Sunday morning about 2 a.m. Elijah woke up feeling sick and threw up. Mike and I hadn't even gone to bed yet since we had only got back home around 1 a.m. from his Halloween gig. Then after throwing up one time he went to bed and was fine yesterday. Poor babies were puking around once an hour-thankfully they took turns though-I would help Cody, put him back to bed, lay down close my eyes and then I would hear Brandon starting to cough so I would jump out of bed, grab him and rush him to the toilet. Brandon was so sad while he would be standing in front of the toilet throwing up. He was crying saying he was tired:( Mike started feeling sick after Cody started so he took NyQuil and was pretty much out of it after that.
Cody is home today resting and Brandon and Mike are laying on the couch. Poor babies-to bad they don't have a superior immune system like their mom:) Eeee heeee! Now it's laundry duty to get rid of the smell and watching the office. Now that I took my midterm I can finish up the rest of my D&C History class.

On another note-we drove by our property yesterday and they dug the hole for our house and the forms are there so they can start cement work. We are soooo excited to see something happening on the lot now. We will keep you posted on the progress!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Sorry to hear that your boys are sick. Maybe Dallas won't get it since he got the flu shot.
I hope you didn't jinx yourself by saying you have a superior immune system. :)
'tis the season of sickness it seems. Never any fun.
I hope everyone gets feeling better!