Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Well as many of you know I am a "Room Attendant" for the Holiday Inn Express in Puyallup. I thought that taking a cleaning job would be a piece of cake after taking care of 5 boys for the past few years:) Let's just say it's not...there are a lot of time limits, specifications, rules, etc. that you have to follow. So much is going on in a room that all you have time to do is think, think, think! I lost 10lbs. my first 2 weeks there with all the hustle and bustle (which isn't a bad thing).

One of the perks of the job is tips! I never knew before that many people leave a tip for the room attendant. It makes me all excited when I go into a room and they have left a couple of dollars by the nightstand. I have even scored a few $10 tips. One day I received 2 bouquets of flowers with a note attached saying to have a great day.

Other times the room may be totally trashed and not receive a single thing-oh well...that's the breaks. I love the people I work with though-they are great and make the work bearable...especially when we meet up in the break room and chiff about all the nutty guests or crazy things we've found in our rooms that day.
I am taking a daycare orientation class in October and hopefully will get my daycare license soon after so that I can be home with my kids all day!

1 comment:

Traveling Cooptroopers said...

Well you sure are the cutest little housekeeper and such a hard worker!! Glad that things will work out differently for you so that you can get back home to your family. Proud of you!