Another Halloween has come and gone...we started off the morning with the kids taking cupcakes to their class parties and Elijah and Brandon dressing up to go the gym. Brandon and I were able to go to Elijah school and partake in his "Harvest Party" towards the end of the day. We helped the kids with their snacks and then afterwards when we went outside to play games and take pictures. It was fun seeing Elijah having so much fun and doing his "school thing". After school Dallas invited his friend, Jacob, who has never gone trick or treating before to come with us...we joined my friend and her family and went down around their neighborhood. The kids all lucked out and got some really good treats including lots of full size candy bars, cookies, play dough, etc...Brandon was so tired that he was asleep in his car seat before we left the neighborhood to go home. All in all I think the kids had a good holiday. Poor Michael had school tonight so wasn't able to be with us-hopefully next year!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween 2011
Another Halloween has come and gone...we started off the morning with the kids taking cupcakes to their class parties and Elijah and Brandon dressing up to go the gym. Brandon and I were able to go to Elijah school and partake in his "Harvest Party" towards the end of the day. We helped the kids with their snacks and then afterwards when we went outside to play games and take pictures. It was fun seeing Elijah having so much fun and doing his "school thing". After school Dallas invited his friend, Jacob, who has never gone trick or treating before to come with us...we joined my friend and her family and went down around their neighborhood. The kids all lucked out and got some really good treats including lots of full size candy bars, cookies, play dough, etc...Brandon was so tired that he was asleep in his car seat before we left the neighborhood to go home. All in all I think the kids had a good holiday. Poor Michael had school tonight so wasn't able to be with us-hopefully next year!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Trunk or Treat
I took the boys to the ward trunk or treat at our building tonight. The boys had fun doing the cake walk, painting pumpkings, bowling, pinning the wart on the witches nose etc... After the carnival was done there was a short musical number where a group did the dance from Michal Jacksons "Thriller"-they did a really great job! Lucky for us the rain stopped while we were trunk or treating. Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Fall Concert

We went to Mercedes first high school choir/band concert last night in Orting. The choir performed a couple of numbers but my favorite was the Phantom of the Opera Medley. It was fun to watch and brought back a lot of memories of when I was in choir and band. Good job Mercedes! Can't wait until the next one:)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Wonderful Surprise
Saturday, October 15, 2011
It's a Girl
My sister in law, Juliet, is adopting another baby which is due in January so we thought it would be fun to throw her a surprise baby shower. The whole time we led her on letting her think it was a bridal shower that she was coming to. We decided to have it at my in laws home so that all her family could be there. It was pretty fun planning the food, games, decorating etc...(if I had the means-I think I would like to do party planning for a living:) I made it a dinner baby shower since it was at 5 p.m. We had chicken enchiladas, fruit salad, and a super yummy peach jello salad that my sister in law made (Thanks Lisa). Afterwards the guests were directed to the kitchen to make italian sodas and get a plate of treats before we headed to the living room for games. We played some fun games that I found on the internet. A purse game where the guests looked for items in their purse that started with the letters of the baby's name. Next we played a memory game where the item matched won the guesser a prize. For example, the word epidural got a package of lifesavers, daddy got a sugar daddy, breastfeeding got a milky way etc.. The last game was a guessing game with paper bags containing items used for a baby. Each paper bag had a letter (the bags spelled out baby shower) and so for the letter on the bag there was an item that the person could only feel. They would then pass the bag on and write down their guess. I had items such as a bib for the letter B, headband for the letter H, rattle for the letter R etc... I think everyone had a lot of fun. After the games came the fun part. Presents!! Kylee got a lot of cute outfits, picture frame with her name on it, blanket, diapers, burp cloths, and a bottle warmer. I even tried my hand at making a diaper cake. I think it turned out pretty good for my first one. I did two tiers off diapers, and then used onesies for my top tier with a cute pair of booties for the cake topper. We even had a few gifts for Andrea, the birthmom, who wasn't expecting anything. She was the brains behind the shower and wanted to do this for Juliet. I merely helped her carry it out;)
Dessert followed: Two different layered desserts-banana cream and cherry. Then for the party favor I made cinnamon buns that said, "Thanks for coming. Love, Kylee Jane (the BUN in the oven). I think everyone had a good time. It was good catching up with one of my friends that I hadn't seen since we moved from Puyallup. After it was said and done 2 batmen helped me clean up.
January will be here before we know it and so will little Kylee Jane. Can't wait to meet her!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Stuff the Bus 5k
Mike and Juliet ran the Stuff the Bus 5k in Fife on Saturday morning. This was the first Stuff the Bus 5k the school had put on and there were about 100 participants. It was a really nice day for running...light mist and cool weather. The participants got nice goodie bags that included a car freshener, toothbrush and toothpaste, trail mix and a water.. plus a cool t-shirt with a bus on it. Mike and Juliet both placed first! After Mike got his award some guys came up from the "Dave and Mike" radio show and asked if Mike would do an interview with them for their web show. Of course Mike is a good sport and said ok. Unfortunatly we weren't able to hear it later that night but it was fun watching it all;) Oh yeah...the good stuff. For winning 1st place Mike got a gift certificate to a running store, an hour massage, $15 dollar Jamba Juice card and a plaque.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Mrs. Marinelli
All the excitment for the past few months is finally over. My sister married her fiance, Nick, on Friday evening. I was her Matron of Honor in the bridal party. My friend, Maribel, was so sweet and did my hair and make up for the occasion. The ceremony was nice (even though Brandon was my little shadow the entire time) but everything went on without a hitch. She switched the location at the last minute due to changes in the weather but it all turned out for the best. The reception was really nice...yummy food catered by Mama Stortinis and then there was dancing with glow sticks which everyone loved and a fun candy "bar" with different candies you could choose with their colors from the wedding. There was also a fun italian soda bar that you could go and choose different drinks from. This morning they left on their honeymoon in Hawaii for a week. Now we are just relaxing and enjoying conference.
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