Tuesday, June 12, 2012

12 Years-

Mike and I had our 12 year wedding anniversary on Sunday. My parents got us a gift certificate so we could go out and spend some time together so today we went to Olive Garden and had an "anniversary lunch" with Brandon. Brandon wasn't hungry he said, although he did eat a couple breadsticks, but he enjoyed watching cartoons on the kindle and coloring on the menu they gave him. The food was pretty good, like always. I couldn't believe how many people are there during the day in the middle of the week. After lunch we headed to Cold Stone to enjoy another gift certificate that my brother, Derek, got us for our birthdays. We never get to go out with our conflicting schedules so this was fun-I guess we are good for another year since that is about our normal date schedule. LOL!!!


Traveling Cooptroopers said...

So glad that you got to go out and enjoy some time together!! Olive Garden is such a good place to eat and I hope you enjoyed your meal!! That's cute that Brandon got to go with you!!

Derrinda said...
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Lisa said...

Congratulations on 12 years.
Glad you were able to get out and do something to celebrate.
Happy Anniversary!