Friday, March 22, 2013
My Talent
On Wednesday we had a talent show in our Mia Maid class. The girls in my class are sooooo talented. All of the girls participated and showed their talents willingly. We have so much musical and artistic talent in our class among other things. Just to give you an idea of how cool my girls are: Shannon played the flute (she even did a beat box on it later on), Megan played the violin, Alyssa played 2 numbers on her trumpet, Genesis played the guitar and sang, Amber played the piano while her and Diana sang, Kaylee played the piano, and Diana and Kristin showed us their sketches they had done. Kristin does more facial and Japanese style drawings, while Diana does poses and real life figures. The leaders also showed off their amazing talents. I thought I would do something like decorating cupcakes. I first tried making mini chocolate cupcakes but the bottoms weren't flat and they really didn't look good:( So I ended up starting all over a few hours before I was suppose to be at the church. Instead I did a regular piping around the cupcakes and then attempted to make chocolate butterflies. I had the outlines for the butterflies done no problem but when I was trying to get the white chocolate melted it kept clumping up on me and just wouldn't work. I called my mom to find out what to do (she's always my lifesaver) and she looked it up on the internet and it said to put a little vegetable oil in the chocolate. Well it helped a little but as soon as I got it out on the wax paper it was clumpy again. I managed to pull the white enough to fill the wings and then stuck them in the fridge to set up. The girls were all impressed but I was a little disappointed as I wish they would've turned out better. I guess that is just like life though. Sometimes when you know you can do something, and pretty well in fact, and it doesn't work out...just keep trying. I tried my best and although I wish they would've turned out better, my girls gave me so many compliments and were so nice letting me know how beautiful and fantastic they were. I'm glad we have the opportunity to share our talents and improve on them. Just because I have one bad experience doesn't mean I won't try melting white chocolate again.

Thursday, March 21, 2013
Little late than Never!
Just wanted to post this for when I eventually get these printed someday. This is a picture that Grandpa Stone took of Dallas the night of his band concert in February. Dallas sure enjoys playing the trombone. Last week he had a tour of the band room at Frontier Middle School where he will be going next year. He was telling me today that he will have band everyday next year. I told him with that much practice he will sound like a professional in no time:)
Monday, March 11, 2013
FHE/Brandons birthday
We had a great family home evening last night. Lisa taught a wonderful lesson on Heavenly Father's creations and how we need to treat them with respect and appreciate what we have. The kids all went up, Mercedes and Chanelle had to leave early for YW New Beginnings, and sang "Whenever I Hear..." (I can't remember the exact title of the song) and they did a really good job. Afterwards we were able to celebrate Brandons 5th birthday with everyone. He got some really fun gifts and had lots of fun opening up all the presents and making such funny facial expressions while doing so. His personality is so funny sometimes. Hope you had a fun birthday Brandon!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Pine Wood Derby
Well we survived another pine wood derby. The boys planned out their designs, cut them, painted, sanded, put weights in, weighed them and now they've won 1st and 2nd places. We are soooo very proud of them. WE were super excited to see Mom and Dad Stone made it out tonight. There were hot dogs, and all sort of treats for the kids and everyone to eat. I think we all had a fun night. Now on to districts!

Happy Birthday Brandon!
Today we celebrated Brandon's 5th birthday. Brandon had lots of phone calls from family members wishing him happy birthday. Brandon was able to have some friends over this afternoon to celebrate with him. He wanted a star wars theme so we had little Darth Vader masks for all of his friends. We even played some fun games including a balloon popping game, pin the tail on the donkey and musical chairs. Some of Brandon's big accomplishments this year are he is able to go to primary all by himself, went to his first dentist appointment all by himself, loves to play the xbox 360, loves star wars, super heroes, loves to sing (everything), play games, puzzles, still is the pickiest eater I've ever met, loves to go swimming, talk on the phone and play soccer and football with his daddy and brothers. Happy birthday big boy!!

Friday, March 1, 2013
Outdoor School
Dallas had the opportunity to travel to Tacoma on Wednesday with all the 5th and 6th graders in his school for Outdoor school for 3 days. It's a camp located in Tacoma and sponsored by the YMCA. It's a really fun chance to get the kids outdoors and teach them some really cool things. Some of the things Dallas was looking forward to was dissecting a squid, canoeing, the nature hikes, and the campfire at night. We packed him all up on Tuesday night after his first ever band concert, and then he left early Wednesday morning. He arrives today around 2 p.m. so I will update you on all the fun stuff he actually did do.

I also posted a picture of Mike studying for his big SPI test that he is taking today for his program. He's been studying and restudying. He had to drive to Lacey for the test and it's suppose to take about 2 hours. He will know the results immediately.I know he will do great!
*UPDATE: Mike passed! He scored 645 out of 700 which is around 92%
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