Saturday, January 20, 2018

Grandpa Bob

My grandpa Bob passed away. My last grandparent is gone and I can't tell you how much I miss him. I'm actually writing this July 18, 2018 and it still hurts so bad. I am so grateful that I was able to speak to him on Christmas. He actually fell later that day and wasn't the same for a couple weeks-in and out of the hospital-until he passed away January 12th. The boys were really upset as they had wanted to come and see him when he was in the hospital but the roads weren't good and we wanted the boys to have good memories of him. I was able to rent a small SUV with 4 wheel drive and the boys and I made the trip to La Grande for his funeral on January 20th. We made it the night before and spend quite a bit of time at his viewing and I was able to just stand there and hold his hand and talk to him. I kissed him and held his hand until it was warm and soft. I honestly feel that being the oldest grand daughter I had a special relationship with him. Since his passing and even before that I have often thought about all the fun memories we had made together. I always enjoyed our talks on the phone and he always made me feel loved and special. I often think of how after my divorce I would call and he would let me cry and tell me how it would be okay. Grandpa was always concerned about me and my happiness. Cards were sent every holiday and sometimes for no reason at all. I know I'll see him again and that is the best reassurance I have through all this. I'm grateful for the beautiful service grandpa had and that I was able to give his Eulogy. All my siblings were able to make it and we had a good time visiting with each other at the hotel that night. We saw so many family members and am so grateful for that.

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