Yesterday we held our first Stone Olympics out in Graham. We had the Sprint Triatholon and a mini triatholon. Mike was the only one who did the true triatholon while myself, Dallas, Mercedes and Chanelle did the mini. We took turns swimming first and getting our times in the water. Next we all started on the bike portion-the uphill climb on a cruiser bike (which is what Chanelle and I had) was killer!!! I think we were all feeling it really bad especially when it came time to do the running portion of the race. I made it back first from the bike portion, threw my sweatshirt off and started running. Dallas caught me on the climb back up to the house but luckily my swim time was enough to put me in place for the GOLD! So exciting-as I've never got a 1st place before in an athletic event:) hahaha Can't wait for part II of the Stone Olympics tomorrow on Memorial Day.