Thursday, September 9, 2010

Catching Up

I was sitting down in the office this morning and was finally able to take breath and relax. It's been a while since I have been able to sit and not have to worry about where I have to be going. Yesterday was the finish of my many travels-hopefully for awhile- as we drove over to Portland to meet my family at the Portland airport to welcome my brother Derek home from his mission. We were all so excited!

We kept looking for him

And finally we saw him!!

After all the hugs we went to a park to eat, play and have fun. My dad was able to get a key to this park that is owned by the church at a chapel near the airport. We had lots of fun! We took off around 6 to head home since Dallas and Cody had school the next day. The boys are already asking when they get to see uncle Derek again:)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Exciting, exciting!!
Glad you were all able to go and welcome your brother home. Awesome that your siblings could be there too. Fun for your boys to be able to see a missionary returning home at the airport. What a good example for them.