We lost an important family member tonight. Our dog, Willie, passed away this evening. We have lost a wonderful, unconditionally loving, best friend. Willie joined our family shortly after we moved into 192 E. 850 South in Orem, UT. We knew our little Dakota needed a playmate after Mike's parents moved to Washington, taking with them their dogs-Duke, Panda and Suzy. Mike, Dallas, and I went to the local animal shelter and looked at lots of different dogs. But then we saw the most sad looking dog curled up in one of the cages. WE knew that this was our dog and we would love him so much. The first couple of days he was so quiet but after that he quickly made himself at home chewing up multiple garden hoses, digging holes, stealing Dallas' snacks and quickly won our hearts over.
Willie loved to love more than anything. He wouldn't really ever jump on you, but would want to lay on you and just sit there next to you. Of course he loved his treats too! And would almost take your hand off if you didn't pull it back quick enough-just ask Cody! A couple of things that I will always remember about Willie are how he loved everyone! He never started trouble and was always so good with the kids. Second, his favorite toy-Mr. Fluffles. One of the boys gave it to him and he played with that toy, carrying it around in his mouth, for days!!! Lastly, whenever he would hear a siren, no matter what kind, he would howl along with it. We would hear a siren and wait to hear him howl along with it. The next time I hear a siren, I know I will think of Willie and shed a tear. I love you Willie-good bye ol' friend.