Friday, July 6, 2012

Bellevue 4th

We had lots of fun yesterday going to Bellevue for the 4th of July. Mike's band, Idol Eyez, performed again for the second year in a row. It was especially fun this year because my parents were able to drive over from Salem and Mike's parents and all his sisters and families were able to make it. My sister and her husband Nick were also there so we had lots of people to visit with. We ate dinner there altogether with super yummy picnic goodies that everyone brought: bbq pork sandwiches, beans, olives, chips, sodas, cookies, candy, kettle corn....too much good food. Brandon even wore his "Michael Jackson" outfit since around noon waiting for daddy to perform Billy Jean at the gig. When Mike started that number Brandon was up front and center of the stage watching and dancing along with daddy. All the kids had fun dancing at the front of the stage and watching the show. Chanelle and Parker even stayed to watch the fireworks with us after some of the family left and we had a great fireworks show to watch. I loved the finale the best, it definitely didn't disappoint!

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