Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy birthday to US!

34 and counting! Mike and I celebrated our birthdays this past weekend. It was gorgeous here in the pacific northwest. We took the boys to see, Life of Pi, at the dollar theater in Federal Way after watching Kylee and Kingston in the morning. *I usually work on Saturday mornings from 6 a.m. - 10 a.m. but decided to take the day off since it was my birthday. Mike was so sweet though and said he would watch the kids in the morning* after that Mike told me to take some time and go get something for my birthday so I went to Kohls where I had a 30% off coupon and a couple of $10 off coupons. I even ran into my sister at Ross! After I got back we decided to do something fun for Mike since his birthday was on Sunday. We took the boys and went to Ross (again) where Mike picked out a couple shirts that he liked. We then went to Karma Indian and got take out for Mike and I so we could have somewhat of a birthday date. The boys got happy meals;) If you have never been to Karma, you should definitely go. I highly recommend the Mango Curry!!! Sunday started out with Elijah making a breakfast sandwich for Mike in his best clothes and by washing the windows. After church we went over to the Stone House and had dinner and FHE-Tammy taught a great lesson on the priesthood. We then had fun opening gifts and eating delicious cake that Mercedes made for us. She made a devils food cake and a chocolate mint cake. We were totally spoiled. Thanks everyone!!!! Mike, dad, and Nick had fun riding the quads and taking the kids for rides. The kids even played red rover with me and Aunt Juliet. It wasn't as dark as the pictures make it look and there were minimal injuries:)

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