Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

I had a nice Mothers Day yesterday. I was able to talk to my mom and wish her a happy mothers day. My mom and dad just got back from their little mini retirement vacation in celebration of dads retirement last month. They took a trip down southern Oregon hitting some lakes so dad could do a little fishing, stopped at a wildlife park and the redwoods. Mike made me lemon ricotta crepes for breakfast, even after getting home late from a gig the night before:) and the boys all made me feel super special. Mike bought a beautiful wind chime and got us a new fan -our other one died by strangulation ( a string from a mylar balloon wrapped around the motor and burned it up)Dallas wrote me a poem and made me a flower with hersey kisses, Cody picked me some flowers and wrote me a nice note and Elijah made me a cute card and said what he liked about me. Brandon was sweet and drew me a picture and said he would help by picking up his toys;) I'm so blessed to be a mom to four wonderful boys. They are so active and have such distinct personalities. I love seeing what makes them tick. Church was nice as there were some talks on mothers and the primary kids also got up and sang a couple of numbers. Brandon said he was too scared to go up this time- I hope that all of my family and friends had a great mothers day!!!

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