Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A New School Year

Well it's officially a new school year for us. The bus just picked up Brandon for school from our bus stop. He was so excited, we went out there about 10 minutes before we needed to be out there. Needless to say when we finally saw the bus coming, Brandon was jumping up and down with excitement. As I was walking across the street from him though he said not to embarrass him with the camera. Hahaha.... Dallas caught the bus at 6:42 this morning while Cody and Elijah caught it at 8:40. I'm so excited to hear how everyone's first day goes! I'm a little nervous with Dallas being in Middle School now and riding with the older kids, lockers, etc..I'm sure everything will be just fine-just a mothers worry.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I hope everyone had a great first day!