Cody performed at the annual jazz festival at the middle school. They had world renowned trumpet player Michael Roch attend and teach classes during the day and then in the evening there was a concert where his band got to play a number with him and then our Graham High School jazz band played about 45 minutes with him. It was a fun concert. Poor Brandon was fighting a cold though so didn't have to much fun sitting. I took Elijah and Brandon earlier in the day to see Peter Rabbit at the matinee. It was a really cute movie.
Elijah also got his expanders in his mouth this week. Needless to say he doesn't like them:( We have them for 5 weeks (35 turns at least....we check with the orthodontist after that to see if more are needed) I had to learn how to adjust the "key" every day. I also taught Cody so he could do it on the weekends they are at their dads.
Hope this time goes quickly for Elijah. He hasn't eaten much this week bc his mouth is in so much pain. He's eaten a lot of soft foods and drank a lot of smoothies.
After the movie the boys played a few games on the arcade games. Brandon was playing this shooting game and ducking behind the yellow base. He was so into it that people were standing around watching. It was pretty hilarious. |