Saturday, March 31, 2018

Spring Break

Today I took a quick trip to the coast after morning conference with my friend Dammond.  I babysat my niece Haven during my break so I could earn some money and wanted to do something fun before I started classes again. The boys were at their dads house for the weekend so when I saw the weather report showing sun at Ocean Shores we hopped in the car and headed north.  The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed walking down the beach and collecting shells.  We sat on the warm sand and I even got some coloring on my face!  Went to a yummy buffet at Little Creek Casino and ate crab legs and shrimp until I thought it may come back up and then on the way home stopped by the campus in Lakewood that I'll be attending this semester to find the building so I'd have somewhat of an idea where to head Monday morning. The boys have spring break this week so at least I should start my new classes without to much stress.  End is in sight! So excited!!

Haven wanted to make a rainbow cake like Brandon had for his birthday so we made a mini version during the week. We even sang to her like it was her birthday.

Bubble time
Haven loved to help me workout-especially when I would do planks-she thought it was fun to ride me like a horse!

Dammond and I

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