Friday, March 27, 2009
Brandons Well Child Check Up
Brandon finally had his one year well child visit this afternoon. I got to take Elijah with me as well so that made for some extra fun. (He did really good though:) ) Here are the stats: Weight-27.08 lbs. Height-31.5" and his head circumfrence was 19.5. He was off the charts in height and weight of course but other than that the doctor said he looks good and we only to need to come back in a month to check on a little bit of fluid he has built up in his ears. The doctor said he probably got it the last time he was sick (and we all remember that) so hopefully that will clear up otherwise we may have to think about getting tubes in his ears.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Well Dallas had his first cavities filled today. Mike went with him as Brandon was real fussy and he didn't want to deal with that and the business:) . Mike said Dallas did super good though and wasn't even scared. The dentist filled two of his cavities and now only has to go back for one more sitting in April. The dentist didn't even give Dallas any gas or anything because he said that he thought he could do it without it. Dallas even told me that the dentist told him he was really tough and strong. Good job Dallas! *on a sidenote-Dallas wanted me to add that the dentist told him that he was the best person they ever had*
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Foot Hills Dash
Well we started out our day early this morning by getting the boys ready and heading to Orting for the Foothills Fun Run. I got up around 6:30 a.m. to do my 3 miles so that Mike could leave at 7 to go running with his dad on the trail this morning. When I got out of the shower Dallas and Cody were already dressed and rearing to go. We got there and waited around for about 30 min. before Mike and dad showed up and then Lisa and the kids were close behind. Dallas did really good and so did Cody. Cody only had to walk a couple times. Mercedes, Chanelle, and Richie ended up running as well and did a really good job! Afterwards the cousins all had fun chasing each other and even got to take a look at the firetruck that was there. Mike had a gig tonight so he's been gone since about 2:30 this afternoon. I'm expecting him home sometime after midnight. We have sharing time tomorrow-our topic is obeying our parents. I hope everything goes well. I have two different activities: one for the junior primary and one for the senior primary. I guess we'll see how it goes.
Friday, March 20, 2009
There's A New Baby!
I was so excited to get a call last night from my good friend April. April had her fourth baby yesterday afternoon, A BOY! I was so excited for her. They named him Noah Jason and he weighed in around 7 lbs. (I can't remember the exact weight as she called after 11 and I had already started falling asleep about that time) She had texted everyone earlier but had forgot I don't have a cell anymore until later so she called me;) How sweet. I can't wait to meet him. Congratulations April and Jason.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Missionary Fun
Well it's official....the missionaries love us. We had invited them over today to stop and get a little something that we had prepared for them-cookies and pictures. They ended up staying over an hour and a half during which time the boys showed them everything they owned, played dodgeball, the wii, and pretty much anything the boys could get their hands on. It was cute though because the boys just had a ball with them. We told Elijah they were leaving and he went over to Elder Blair and said, "I love you." It was sweet. Anyways...just a couple of pictures the boys took with the Elders. The closest to Dallas is Elder Blair and the dark haired one is Elder Potter.
Bubbles Everywhere
Sunny Sunday
We sure have crazy weather up here sometimes. Dallas, Mike, and Cody are playing dodge ball in the living room as I type this post. We went to church this afternoon (1 p.m.) in pouring down rain and now at 5:40 p.m. the sun is shining brilliantly. We got some cookie packages made up for the missionaries in our ward that we like and the boys colored them some pictures this morning...they are suppose to come by sometime this afternoon. We decided it would be easier for them to stop by on their way en route somewhere rather than us going by their apartment at 9:30 at night. Had some busy things this week-ran everyday this week and that felt good. We went to Hope For Little Hearts auction last night and that was fun. Mike's family babysat the boys for us so we could go and when we got back they were watching home movies from 1990. Mike just left the room...he said that he doesn't like to watch himself acting like a dork when he was younger. Brandon had a little bit of an accident on Sat. He was riding his new little Tonka truck he got from grandpa and grandma Cooper and fell off next to the treadmill while Dallas was on it. He got his forehead burned a little from that but it doesn't seem to bother him to much. People at church were sure giving me some inquiring glances though. There was a girl sitting next to me in sacrament meeting and as soon as we sat down she looked at Brandon and said, "Looks like he has a head wound." We had a good week with rentals at BSS and that was real good. We had some real nice days with warm sunshine so we were all able to enjoy a few nice days before the rain came again yesterday. We finally got some shoes for the baby as well this week finally! Mike found some nice sandals and they strap around the back so he can walk outside now which makes him real proud. Elijah has been really cute this week with always wanting me to take his picture. He makes these really funny "angry" faces and it's just hilarious but he wants you to act like you are scared and so I took a couple pictures of that. Cody also had a good week. We went to the school on Tuesday night and got Cody registered for kindergarten. He could hardly stand having to wait all day to go and register. Now he just wants to go and get his backpack for school. Dallas is always busy doing stuff. He ran a half hour on the treadmill in hopes of training to become a boxer...that is what he really wants to do right now. He has a dentist appt. on Wed. and his first school music program on Tuesday so we are excited to go to that. I'm sure that there will be some pictures to show after that. I can't believe how fast the kids are growing up and changing. I love to see the new things they discover and learn. Here are some fun pictures from this week. Enjoy!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Busy Weekend
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
We had a busy weekend with my parents up from Salem, Or. Sure had fun and glad they were able to come up and celebrate Brandons first birthday with us. It was sure chilly but was able to have fun with the kites and all. I hope you all enjoy my first attempt at using fondant to decorate a cake. My friend Lanette helped me on Wednesday to make a batch of fondant and hopefully after some practice I will be able to become a more proficent user. Hats off to all of you who make it look so easy. I guess I thought it wasn't going to be so hard but let me tell you it was an adventure. I should have taken video of me and my mom trying to roll it out and add food coloring etc...Let's just say there was powdered sugar everywhere!!!! Can't wait to try it again:)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Fun Day
So we ended going to Wal Mart last night because I needed some last minute things for our little birthday party tonight for Brandon. We decided to pick up some miniature cupcakes that were on clearance to share with our little birthday boy even though we knew we would be having his big cake tonight. We put a candle on top of the cupcake and sang to him. Brandons eyes totally bugged out when he saw the flame on top of the candle. It was so cute. I'm glad it is on video...he really enjoyed the cupcake though and actually ended up devouring two! Yesterday we also finished working on Dallas' diorama that is due at school today. Each student had to pick out an animal and make a diorama that closely matched the environment of the animal and make a 3d replica of the animal. Dallas chose snakes and made two snakes-a rattlesnake and a cobra and put them in a desert like setting. We put clouds in the sky, and crushed graham crackers and added chili powder to the bottom to make it look like sand. Dallas even made little tumble weeds and cacti out of paper. It turned out really cute and he is going to do just super:)

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Brandon Malachi
Today is Brandons 1st birthday! I can hardly believe that it was a year ago when we were in Enumclaw bringing Brandon into the world. It's been a wonderful year with his addition to our little family. I thought since he is 12 months old now that I would share 12 things that I love about our little monkey:)
1. I love his chubby cheeks when he smiles at me, his daddy and his brothers.
2. I love how he crawls towards me when I get on my hands and knees to play with him.
3. I love his language...he is either growling, or making funny noises deep in his throat (hard to explain but hilarious)
4. I love it when he points his fingers at people. His chubby fingers are so adorable.
5. Speaking of chub I love his fat rolls on his arms and thighs
6. I love watching how he snuggles into his daddy while sleeping in the morning. It's so precious.
7. I love to watch him walk.
8. I love to admire his face-dark eyes, eyebrows and what little bit of hair he has.
9. I love to see him copy his brothers whether it be clapping his hands or screaming like a girl:)
10. I love to see him get so excited about watching his sesame street movie and bouncing up and down to the music.
11. I love how he puts his arms under his belly when I'm holding him so he can get even closer to me:)
12. I love how he sleeps so peacefully.
I could go on but I'll just start with those for right now:)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Photo Tag
I just got done reading Lisa's blog and decided to take her challenge on the photo tag. I had to be a little more creative though since I was down on the business computer and all my recent photos are upstairs on my laptop. So I kinda closed my eyes and randomly picked a file but did take the 6th picture. Here it is:
That's Mike in the gorilla outfit incase you couldn't guess. Like father like son:) haha Just another day at BSS!
That's Mike in the gorilla outfit incase you couldn't guess. Like father like son:) haha Just another day at BSS!
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