Saturday, October 10, 2009

One Special Day!

I can't believe that Dallas is baptized. I can't believe he is that old and has now been made a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. People say times flies but you don't realize just how fast until you are in the midst of it. We had so many friends and family there tonight to share in Dallas' big day and I would like to say thank you. We appreciate all who made a special effort to come even though I know some of you had other things going on. We love you all! Thanks for all you support of our Dallas and his special day.


Lisa said...

It was a great evening. So happy for Dallas. It was great that he had so many family and friends there to share in his special day.

Tammy said...

Congratulations to Dallas! What a special day for special nephew. I wouldn't have missed it.

JULIET said...

congrats Dallas. we were so glad we were able to attend your baptism and special day.Love you!