Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Well as many of you know our Zumba instructor was hit by a drunk driver going home from Zumba last Friday. Well yesterday I was asked if I would help fill in for her while she is recovering. I actually said yes! So tonight was my first night of co-teaching Zumba. I was so nervous all day and was running the routines through my mind over and over. I even had a crazy dream last night about going to teach it and the music not working- anyways...I survived and there were actually a few faithful Zumbaites that had faith in us and let us have fun with them:) It was still a good workout though and hey- maybe next time I won't be so nervous.


Kristin said...

I heard you were teaching tonight, wish I was there to give you a hard time! I'm sure you did awesome.

Traveling Cooptroopers said...

I knew you would do great! As long as you smile and have fun then everyone else will too! Good job!

Lisa said...

Good Job Derrinda. I wanted to peek in on my way to Pack Meeting to see how it was going but didn't want to make you more nervous.
Anyone who loves to Zumba will not be too critical. It's all about the fun and dancing. It doesn't really matter what dance moves you throw in there. =)
I'm proud of you for doing it. I'm sure you did a great job!

Derrinda said...

Thanks guys!