Friday, June 6, 2014

Field Trip to Ohop Indian and Pioneer Village

Hopefully I won't bore you with too many photos here. I was able to attend Brandons kindergarten field trip to the Ohop Indian and Pioneer Village. It was fun! I helped with a group of 5 boys. Brandon was really excited since his best friend, Ka'eo, was in our group. We spent the morning learning about the early pioneers in our area and seeing what kind of things they had to use to make food, and cut logs etc. It was really interesting. Brandon had a good time dressing up like a pioneer child and learning how to shave. A little girl wanted to shave him while he was at that station and he said okay but just don't get my mustache. haha
After lunch we headed over to the Indian Village where we got to see things that the indians in this area used for clothes, what kinds of activities they would do in their winter, fall, and summer houses. The kids even got the chance to make an arrow head and a bracelet.

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