Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Promotion Night

Brandon had his Kindergarten Promotion tonight at the school, and let me tell you he was EXCITED! When he got home from school at 4 he immediately changed into his slacks, white shirt, tie and vest. It was everything I could do to hold him off of leaving until 5:30. The kids weren't suppose to arrive until 5:45, but Brandon said we needed to get there early to get good seats; which we finally did! We only had to be 30 min. early to get 3rd row seating:) The classes sang 4 super cute numbers, got their names read and during that time they stood up and waved to the audience, and that was it. Pretty short and sweet, 30 minutes long. Brandon was sure cute! It was emotional for me as I sat there watching my youngest and last child go through a Kindergarten Promotion. It's going to be so strange next year having all the kids gone during the day. Grandpa and Grandma Stone came to watch and so did Dallas, Cody and Elijah. Michael/daddy didn't get off work until 6 p.m., since he's making up the hours that he missed when he was sick a couple weeks ago. Only 3 more days and then Michael graduates from Tacoma Community College. It's going to be a busy weekend.
(Brandon's super awesome teacher, Mr. Bayliss)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wish we could have been there.
Mom and Dad said it was super cute.
Yep, I get emotional over things like that too. I can't imagine how emotional I am going to be next year when Mercedes graduates high school!!
Time sure flies.
I'm glad Brandon had such a great teacher. He is going to do awesome in 1st grade.