Friday, June 6, 2014

Volunteer Tea

I was invited to attend the Volunteer Tea for the time I was able to spend in Elijah's and Brandon's classrooms this year. It was a really nice spread with lots of goodies to enjoy. The classes came in one by one to say thank you in their own special way. Only a few kids represented the 5th and 4th grade classes. The 4th grade classes made poems for the volunteers. One boy, who I didn't know, came and handed me a stack of poems. I was looking through them and noticed I got Cody's poem! That was a fun surprise:) Then Elijah's class room came in and sang, You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings". They did hand gestures to the song which was really cute. Then Brandon's class came in and did a cheer and they handed out footballs they had drawn and colored. Brandon's teacher was also named Teacher of the Year by the PTA, so he got an award while we were there. It was pretty neat. *on a side note, Br. Boynton, the school principle was telling some staffing changes while we were waiting for the next classes to come in and he mentioned that starting next year, all kindergartners will be going full time. This year you had to pay $250/month if your child was in full day-wow!

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