Monday, November 10, 2008

Fun with the Girls

Last weekend I got together with my girlfriends to welcome back Maribel from Mexico....we went to the Olive Garden in South Hill and just had fun hanging out and being together. So much to catch up on with everyone since moving from Orting about 6 months ago. The last year has been kinda crazy with everyone since all of us have kids in school. I remember getting together at Des' house on Fridays and learning to knit...then just getting together and mostly eating and seeing what delicious treat someone was going to bring (and then getting the recipe from them)...those were crazy days then with all the kids and there are even more babies (and one more on the way *April*). I just hope we can always stay close and get together no matter what the distance someday. I love my girls:)


Lisa said...

Dang, Derrinda! Your blog is adorable! Look at that cute background.

April said...

For someone who just started her blog, you sure know what you're doing! :-) It looks really great, D! Love you lots and miss you TONS!

Unknown said...

Rinda! Love the blog! I'm looking a little freaky in that picture though.