Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Time to Relax
I finished my final this morning at Pierce College so now I can just relax and finishing preparing my lesson for family home evening on Sunday. I'm lucky enough to have my lesson fall on Easter Sunday again so it will be extra fun.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Lots to do!
I was showing some prospective customers a unit this week and as we were walking out the back door the gentlemen asks if we also run a day care here. I laughed it off and said, "No they are all mine:)" I thought that was pretty funny since they were all there playing in the sunshine and with all their toys...I guess if you didn't know you may wonder....
but anyways...I have been busy studying for a final I have on Wednesday morning. I have to go to Pierce and take it but at least it is the cheapest place. Pierce only charges $25 whereas Sylan and a few other places I called charge $50 to take a proctored test. Crazy but it's their rules and I have to take my final so I will obviously pay it. Oh well...
Business has been picking up slowly but steady so that has also been good. I'm excited that my sister has moved back into our ward bounderies and will be coming to meetings now with us. Playing tennis later today to enjoy the sunshine while we have it. The rain is suppose to return tomorrow and last for a least a week they say. I guess it is true what they say...April showers bring May flowers (and it is almost April so...)
but anyways...I have been busy studying for a final I have on Wednesday morning. I have to go to Pierce and take it but at least it is the cheapest place. Pierce only charges $25 whereas Sylan and a few other places I called charge $50 to take a proctored test. Crazy but it's their rules and I have to take my final so I will obviously pay it. Oh well...
Business has been picking up slowly but steady so that has also been good. I'm excited that my sister has moved back into our ward bounderies and will be coming to meetings now with us. Playing tennis later today to enjoy the sunshine while we have it. The rain is suppose to return tomorrow and last for a least a week they say. I guess it is true what they say...April showers bring May flowers (and it is almost April so...)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Cannery Update
So I went to the cannery last night and experienced dry pack canning. I have to say it was so much fun. I'm probably a real dork for saying this but I think I would actually like working on an assembly line but anyways... There were 4 other people from our ward and another sister from our ward worked with me-we scooped the food into the #10 cans. We got on our aprons, hair nets, and gloves and were assigned different stations. (We canned black beans, white beans, refried beans, flour, sugar, dry milk, hot cocoa mix, quick oats, regular oats, and carrots in our station) After we were all done we had to clean and wipe down everything-Sanitizing is the key:) When we were all finished with that we checked to make sure our orders were correct and went and paid for our hard work:) I ended up getting 29 #10 cans of various items and a couple items like potato pearls and pancake mix in bulk. It's a lot different when you can actually go there and put the food in the cans and seal them and everything. I had lots of fun and can't wait until wet pack time;)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Stupid Hookers!!!
*Warning...I may have typed some negative words you don't usually see in my postings...*
Ok so I am very ticked while I am writing this post but who cares because this is how I feel and how I've always felt about this topic. The stupid Bikini Baristas!! My husband came home this morning from running an errand and he informs me that the coffee shop that he drove by-with our two sons-the female, and I say female loosely because she is not a lady at all!!!!, was wearing pasties....yes pasties...and that was all. I cannot stand those stupid girls who think they need to wear that kind of crap to sell coffee. They would be arrested if they were wearing those kind of clothes or lack of on the street. So I ask my husband if he noticed anything else about her. "Nice Boobies, blond hair and tan"- how lovely. Then he continues to inform me that I'm jealous. Oh yeah, like I'm jealous of that. I have more decency and morals than those stupid girls have in their little piggy toe! It's sad those girls have nothing better to do or have such low self esteem that they have to subject themselves to selling coffee to horny men. Why do they need such attention to feel good about themselves is beyond me. I guess maybe they lacked that kind of male attention when they were growing up and now think this is going to make up for it. It's a very sad world we live in today. People protest and make it so that strip clubs and other risque places aren't put up in their towns and neighborhoods and yet we allow all these coffee shops to be put up where our kids and us can see them if we happen to look in that direction. It's unruley! It's sad that I have to worry about my kids looking at one of those and perhaps seeing some girl handing coffee to a customer with her boobs hanging out with a stupid sticker over her nipples.
Ok so I am very ticked while I am writing this post but who cares because this is how I feel and how I've always felt about this topic. The stupid Bikini Baristas!! My husband came home this morning from running an errand and he informs me that the coffee shop that he drove by-with our two sons-the female, and I say female loosely because she is not a lady at all!!!!, was wearing pasties....yes pasties...and that was all. I cannot stand those stupid girls who think they need to wear that kind of crap to sell coffee. They would be arrested if they were wearing those kind of clothes or lack of on the street. So I ask my husband if he noticed anything else about her. "Nice Boobies, blond hair and tan"- how lovely. Then he continues to inform me that I'm jealous. Oh yeah, like I'm jealous of that. I have more decency and morals than those stupid girls have in their little piggy toe! It's sad those girls have nothing better to do or have such low self esteem that they have to subject themselves to selling coffee to horny men. Why do they need such attention to feel good about themselves is beyond me. I guess maybe they lacked that kind of male attention when they were growing up and now think this is going to make up for it. It's a very sad world we live in today. People protest and make it so that strip clubs and other risque places aren't put up in their towns and neighborhoods and yet we allow all these coffee shops to be put up where our kids and us can see them if we happen to look in that direction. It's unruley! It's sad that I have to worry about my kids looking at one of those and perhaps seeing some girl handing coffee to a customer with her boobs hanging out with a stupid sticker over her nipples.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I don't usually do posts like these but I told my sister in law Juliet that I would post the great deals I got at Safeway. I was given a few coupons and I had printed some off for myself so I got a great deal on my shopping trip. I got 5 boxes of cereal, 5 boxes of fruit snacks, a bag of whole wheat tortillas, 2 pourable salad dressings, 4 bags of salad mix, 1 bag potatoe chips, 4 sub lunchables and 1 nature valley nut clusters for a grand total of $15.24. I had a savings of 68%! I love coupons!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Our Birthday Boy
We had a fun start to our weekend with Brandons 2nd birthday party celebration at Dad, Mom and Tams house. We had dinner-pizza, monster jell-o, and monster juice. Brandon got to open presents next. He would get so excited at every package that he opened. Brandon was making all sorts of happy sounds, jumping up and down, saying awesome. It was really cute! (Why can't all kids act so excited no matter how old they are?!) Anyways...then we got the cake and turned off the lights. Brandon was so cute when he was trying to blow out the candle-I think partly because he couldn't understand why in the world we were bringing this fire lit candle in front of him-he was trying to blow it out with tiny little phes, phes, phes. It was a really fun birthday-thanks to all who made it so special for him.

Friday, March 5, 2010
I baked a cake and decorated it with gummy eyeballs and lips for Brandons "Monster" Party. I think it turned out pretty good. I had to make 2 batches of frosting to cover it all and that still didn't cut it. I was too tired to make a third batch so I totally cheated and colored some cool whip to finish off a tiny little section. I don't think anyone will notice:) LOL
Happy 2nd birthday!!
Our little "Bino" is 2 today! I can't believe that he is getting so big. I remember our drive up to Enumclaw when I was having contractions and how fast the delivery was. 9 lbs. 8 oz. He was no small baby-the second biggest in the bunch:) Our baby son is growing up so fast now. Some of the things that Brandon does is go to nursery, sing, talk, play cars, play catch, ride on anything with wheels i.e. Dallas' green machine, Elijahs bike with training wheels, skateboard. Brandon also loves ice cream, candy, pizza, soda, cheetos, yogurt, and stringed cheese.
We love Brandon so much and are so glad that he is part of our family and for all the love he brings into our home. He is our little cuddle bug:)
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