Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1st

The first day of July. They say the weather around here is more summer like after the fourth of July but this year, I think it came a little earlier. The high inside our house has been saying 88 degrees on the thermostat. Kind of warm. We bought a little, square fan to put in the younger boys room upstairs. I can't believe the difference even that little fan makes. It is usually cooler downstairs so we find ourselves down there quite a bit the past few days. Last night we went out to the driveway and set up our bean bag toss game Mike got a couple years ago for Fathers day. We split into teams and had quite a bit of fun. It felt really good outside once the sun set. I didn't get many pictures or blogs up since school got out. My batteries died and I couldn't get any new ones for a while. Well Dallas and Cody helped Mike work at grandpa and grandma Stones a few times building fence. They decided they wanted to get some pets with their money. Dallas got a hamster that he named Ashley, yep she's a girl! He loves her and got a penthouse to pamper her. Dallas has lots of fun putting her in the moveable hamster ball and watching her crazy antics. Cody on the other hand got a fish tank (that we scored at a yard sale w/a stand) with a Beta, 5 neon fish, 2 snails and 2 water frogs. He keeps busy looking at the fish but would like to also invest in a lid with a light so he can watch them in bed. We are looking forward to the 4th and going to see Mike perform again this year with Idol Eyez at their big firework show in Belluvue.

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