Monday, April 27, 2015


This is just a personal revelation I wanted to share with anyone who may ever across this sort of thistle. STAY FAR AWAY-keep especially far from your hair. The boys and I had been cutting down scotts broom and other things in the back yard when I happened to cut down a long dead thistle. It fell against me and 7 of these little guys barely touched my head. Cody helped me get one out (plus a lot of hair) and I was able to get one out. As for these "others"...I needed some extra assistance. It took a lot of patience and a solid hour to carefully get these out. Thanks to an awesome sister in law for helping me out with this. *Only minimal hair loss was incurred with the five remaining in my hair.


Lisa said...

Fierce things.

Dad said...

I have dealt with them in long haired dogs. They are the worst. Only removing the hair is the solution on long haired dogs. Glad you were able to be rid of them. Love, Dad Stone