Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring Break/Easter 2015

The boys had their spring break last week. We didn't go on any trips or anything but that's okay. We did go to the park a few times, and I was able to take the boys to the Woodland Zoo in Seattle one day which turned out to be a gorgeous day (weather wise). The boys also spent one afternoon at Grandpa/Grandma and Aunt Tammy's house where they rode the quads and played with the new tether ball so they had lots of fun. Dallas stayed busy feeding the Tolsens' dog while they were away in California for the break,even with his broken collar bone. On Saturday, we had an Easter Egg at the Stones' and Dallas was even lucky enough to find the "Golden Egg" for the teenagers hunt. We watched conference on Sunday and my parents and Desi and her family came over to watch the afternoon session with us and then we had a nice Easter dinner followed by an egg hunt that Elijah made for Brandon and Kahrece (yes, he even had a special golden egg with his own coins in it for the finder). It was a nice, relaxing day. I'm grateful for the time spent with family and for the Atonement and Resurrection. It was nice to see the boys sitting in front of the television watching the apostles and prophet speak. Brandon was even singing one of the choir songs b/c they have learned it in primary and his sweet voice made my heart warm. The talks on family were inspired. I love my eternal family. I'm grateful for my Savior. I know HE LIVES and loves me and is always there for me, even through difficult times.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What cute pics! I love that we can just pull out our phones and make memories last a lifetime. You are such a good mom and it sounds like the boys had a pretty fun spring break. Love you!!