Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Elijah's Big Day
Mommy and the birthday boy

We had a fun day celebrating our little Elijah's birthday today. We went to grandpa and grandma Stones home to have our little party. We had balloons and fun decorations that Lijah wanted for his Handy Manny party. I made spaghetti bolognese and Caesar salad for dinner and picked up a cake from Costco. I ordered the cake "naked" and then decorated the cake by piping on my own tools. It was a lot of work (probably the most I've done on a cake before) but I think it turned out really cute. All day Elijah wanted to eat his Manny cake but then when it came time to eat the cake he didn't want any. Go figure! He sure got a lot of fun presents...thank you everyone for the nice gifts:)
Birthday Boy
Fun Party Decorations

We had a fun day celebrating our little Elijah's birthday today. We went to grandpa and grandma Stones home to have our little party. We had balloons and fun decorations that Lijah wanted for his Handy Manny party. I made spaghetti bolognese and Caesar salad for dinner and picked up a cake from Costco. I ordered the cake "naked" and then decorated the cake by piping on my own tools. It was a lot of work (probably the most I've done on a cake before) but I think it turned out really cute. All day Elijah wanted to eat his Manny cake but then when it came time to eat the cake he didn't want any. Go figure! He sure got a lot of fun presents...thank you everyone for the nice gifts:)
Birthday Boy
Fun Party Decorations
Happy Birthday Lijah!
It's Elijah's 3rd birthday today. We asked him what the birthday boy wanted for breakfast this morning and he said that he was Elijah not the birthday boy. He's too cute for words! Elijah is sure excited though because we got special Handy Manny decorations and plates for his party. We ordered a cake from Costco (with no decorations) because we are going to put some cool Handy Manny tools on it *hopefully it will turn out* We love our little Elijah. He is always so happy and smiling. He has a great personality and we are so happy that he is part of our family. Happy Birthday Elijah!!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Just a little sidenote...I got a thank you note in church today for donating a cake for the Seattle Children's Hospital and so far the total raised for the hospital was $21,000!
Night Out
Last night I went to Mike's gig with him after I was able to get Jenice Daniel to babysit at the last minute. I love watching and being able to support Mike- it just gets costly so I can't go and watch when him as much as I would like. Mike did awesome and put on a great show. Everyone is always amazed at his awesome abilities. It's always fun when they don't know that I'm with Mike and I can hear them saying how great he is. On our way up to Kirkland last night we made a pit stop in Federal Way to pick up some Handy Manny party supplies at Party City..(they didn't have any at the PC on South Hill)-the things you do for your kids for their birthday... After we got to Kirkland I walked around for a bit and visited a cute little used book store to kill some time while Mike had sound check. I was wearing Mike's black and white checkered hoody b/c it was about a half mile walk back and I failed to bring a jacket...well anyways...the older lady that worked there kept coming up to me and asking me where I got it and I kept telling her Kohls and she came up to me twice to ask how to spell it...I said it's a store like Macy's in the mall.. I think that was pretty foreign for her. After that I walked the 1/2 mile back to the Shark and talked with Mike until a little after 9 then I decided to hit a movie for a while...I saw The Soloist with Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. It was pretty good except for the punk kids talking so loud that the manager had to come in twice to talk to them. I walked back after it was over and only missed the first set which was nice. There were a few real interesting people in the crowd last night-two die hard rocky horror picture show freaks which really ticked me because every where I would be they gravitated towards me and kept knocking into me....I even shoved one of them one time because I was getting so ticked off-at least that didn't happen until the very last song otherwise I might've started something! LOL As we were pulling into BSS last night we saw a tow truck pulling a little sedan off the rail road tracks -typical. It was a fun night overall and I was glad that I was able to go and get a much needed break from the kids for a while.
Friday, April 24, 2009
ScareCrow Cake
I made a cake for the Seattle Children's Hospital auction to be held on Saturday. The theme was The Wizard of Oz so I tried the best I could with a scarecrow cake that I saw on my Betty Crocker website. I think it turned out pretty good. I used fruit by the foot for the hair and waffle cones for the hat. I also used miniature peanut butter cups for the eyes with a dot of frosting for the pupil. All in all it was fun to make and was a learning experience.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Spring has Sprung!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Dallas Easter Egg Hunting
The video is kinda long but I didn't know how to edit it so bear with me. The most exciting part is at the beginning when you see him grab his prize egg! Feel free to quit watching at any time:)
Brandon and the Easter Bunny
Easter Egg Hunt 2009
This morning we got the boys up and ready and headed to the Puyallup Recreation Center on Valley Ave. We decided to take -them to the easter egg hunt there this morning to have a little pre-easter fun. Elijah's age group was inside the building so I took the baby and Eli and Mike stayed outside with Cody and Dallas. Eli's and Cody's egg hunt both started at 10 a.m. and Dallas' didn't start until 10:25 a.m. so after Elijah did his little thing we hurried outside in time to see Dallas. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures or video of Cody during his hunt but we were able to get a little of everyone else. All the kids had lots of fun and Dallas even found one of the *special* eggs. His prize for finding a prize egg was a stuffed bunny which he named Rabbity. Can't wait for Easter tomorrow.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Brotherly Love
Easter Eggs
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Lots to do

My digital camera went on the blitz a few weeks ago and ever since I have been having to take pictures with my hard disc camcorder. It is interesting to say the least (I can't wait to get another camera) but it has given me more time to work on school work rather than putting posts on my blog all the time:) lol All kidding aside we have been quite busy the last couple of weeks. Mike had a gig at a place called Big Daddy's on Saturday--wasn't such a good crowd so I don't think they will be back-I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning, doing laundry and grocery shopping and then hurried to get the house straightened up before the missionaries came over. We dyed Easter eggs and had a nice visit with them. They are coming back over for an Easter brunch on Sunday. I was thinking crepes...we'll see. My friend Maribel and I took all the kids and went to the Nalley plant in Tacoma again. We got a couple of really good deals there, 40 oz. cans of chili beans in sauce for
.35 cents and the regular cans of Nalley chili were .25 cents. Too bad there was a limit of 6 on each. Nice time to stock up on some food storage items. I've been reading the bargain jargon a lot lately to hear her good deals that she finds to stock up on food storage items that way. Always something to look at or do....
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunny Weather
Today went by pretty fast here at BSS. It was such a beautiful morning that we stayed very productive doing various landscaping activities around here. Mike took the lawn mower and fired it up for the first time this spring and also fired up the weed wacker. I took the baby out front in the stroller and hi jacked Elijah and Cody into helping me weed the front flower beds. They did a lot of work and the next time I looked at the clock it was already noon. I went and walked over to get Dallas from school today and had a nice little chat with his teacher, Ms. Elis. Mike is getting the bike warmed up now so that he can meet dad in Orting for his run.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Long Week
Not to much to say about anything eventful happening this week. Dallas had spring break all week which was somewhat of a challenge. Cody and Dallas are always being competitive with one another so that is mostly what it was like all week. We didn't go anywhere except the occasional trip to the store to get some milk or diapers it seems like. BSS wasn't all that busy this week...we got on average about 1 rental everyday but hardly showed any besides that. Mike has a gig tonight and me and the boys may rent something on PPV. Hopefully it won't be to crazy here after he leaves. I'm sure excited that conference is here. I can't wait to hear what the prophet and our leaders need to tell us in these crazy times. Talked to my mom this week and found out that she got the results back from her MRI. She has ruptured discs in her neck from her little car accident in Dec. She is going to be starting out with getting some injections in her neck and hopefully this will work so she doesn't have to have surgery-I know she is really nervous about it but is in a lot of pain and her movement is very limited. Brandons rash on his can finally cleared up so I didn't have to take him back to the doctor to check for strep thank goodness. I just hope the fluid in his ears clears up! School is going good so far. I've taken two quizes and am finding time to study downstairs when I can buckle down and actually do it. I'm not used to having to have a schedule yet to study.
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