Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Great Deal!

We just got back from Joe's Sporting Goods and am super excited because we got a couple of really good deals. Now mind you I don't have the pictures up yet but wanted to share anyways....Mike got a new pair of Puma running spikes which retail for $80.00 and he got them for $17.00 and then I got a pair of steel toe Carhart (real leather) working boots aka motorcycle riding boots:) which retailed for $99.00 for ..... drum roll please..... $14.99! Super exciting! Now I have everything I need for our little excursion to the coast on the bike:) Can't wait to get away from BSS for a few days and away from the boys!!!! I'm so grateful that my parents have so graciously volunteered to watch the boys for us so we can get away for a while for my birthday/anniversary present. We have never both been away from the kids before so I'm a little nervous to hear how things will go but I know things will be fine. I hope the kids don't miss us too bad. Well to go pack to see how much stuff I can take on the bike with us. I will definitely be taking lots of pictures on our getaway so be prepared for lots to look at next week:)


Lisa said...

That's awesome that you found such great deals at Joe's. Lucky that you found sizes that fit!! Hope you have a great trip. Hope Grandma and Grandpa Cooper are all rested up for their exciting weekend ahead. =) The boys will have fun. I'm looking forward to all the pictures!!
Have a safe trip.

Elise and Rich said...

I am so excited that you guys are getting away, congrats!! And, a bike, you mean motorcycle, holy cow, how fun!! Don t worry too much about the kids they will be in good hands. Have fun, be careful.