Friday, June 26, 2015

Field Day/Last Day of School

I was able to help with the boys field day at school a couple weeks ago (yeah, I realize they have been out almost 2 weeks LOL) I was able to rotate between the three boys classes and help with the various activities that were going on. The theme was Around the World so the different activities were loosely geared towards different countries. It was actually quite chilly in the morning-we were all wearing jackets-but around noon the sun came out and I actually got a nice sunburn. The best part was towards the end when the principle and a couple others were dunk tanked and also got pies in the face.
The last day of school the boys all had auctions where they could use tickets they earned by their behavior throughout the year. Elijah was real proud to show me the Amelia Earhart poster he won.

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